Crafter Classes
Please Note: This information is currently in flux and may change in the future. Descriptions of feats and skills coming soon.
Skills are separated into five rankings: primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, and quinary. Depending on their rank, skills will have a different cap. Look for more details on how skill caps apply to classes which will be forthcoming.

After time, a merchant will hone his skills and begin to create artisan works. merchants are the true force of any society. They prepare the steel that fights wars; build the structures that house us; and create the amenities of our every day life like clothing and furniture. Without them, societies are crippled.
Alignment: Any
Races: Any
Armor Type: Any
-Carpenter Training
-Tailor Training
-Cook Training
-Fletcher Training
-Master Craftsman
-Combat Training
Skills (primary, secondary....)
-Detect Hidden
-Resisting Spells
-Taste Identification

Alchemists are renowned for concocting potions of mysterious power. Potions, oils, salves and powders, these are the hallmarks of your trade. Where the smith is the master of metals, you are the master of more potent things: reagents gathered from every corner of the land.
Alignment: Any
Races: Any
Armor Type: Chainmail
-Alchemical Research
-Racial Crafting
Skills (primary, secondary....)
-Detect Hidden
-Resisting Spells
-Taste Identification
-Item Identification