Physical Appearance:
A scruffy patch of hair rests upon his chin and jawline, with a bushy mustache clinging to his lips, curling and fraying out at it's outer edges. Hawthorne is not of spectacular frame or build, just sitting a little taller than the average human, and not having much fat on his bones due to his lifestyle. They seem to be well into adulthood, perhaps beginning the Fall season of their life's cycle. His eyes are a hue of gray with flecks of light brown, and rest between a hooked nose. His back and forearms are heavily scarred with claws and bite marks that look to be from a bear.
Their equipment seems to be in order, though most of their attire is worn and weathered to say the least. Fabrics made from flaxen linens provide some protection from the elements and breathe-ability. Hawthorne carries wi…